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Time For An Autumn Checkup?

Monique Wilson • March 4, 2020

Are your indoor plants ready for the season change?

As we switch over to a new season it is always the perfect time to stop and take a breath and see what our priorities should be for the months ahead. If you are into housework you may love a good spring clean, but if you are into houseplants or gardening you may be keen for an Autumn check up.
Even when we experience relatively mild Summers your houseplants will love for you to take some time and give them a little freshen up. Hopefully they have been growing really well for you, putting on lush new leaves and filling you home with lovely clean air so now is the time to reward them with an autumn check up to help ensure they continue to thrive as the weather cools and their growth slows down as and we head towards winter dormancy.
Have you noticed some leaves are going a bit yellow, some are a bit limp, some are a bit patchy? Is your plant looking tired from all the hard work of growing and may need some additional nutrients, a potting mix re-fresh or even a bigger pot?
Perhaps you have some browning on the leaves from a bit of excess sun or light exposure or the tips have dried out from a bit of under watering on the warmer days or over the warmer nights. Do some leaf stems feel a bit mushy, is there a funny smell around the base, have they been sitting in too much water as their pots do not have drainage holes? 
Do you have signs that the summer loving pests have decided to call your indoor plant home? There may be traces of fluffy white egg sacks from mealy bug, trails of sticky excrement from scale, ants coming in looking to feast on left overs of bug poo or you may notice foliage starting to have a mottled, rashy appearance. You may be able to see the bugs themselves; scale stuck to foliage like little black or white dots, mealy bugs floating around looking like tiny white elongated stings rays or fine webbing not quite thick enough for a normal house spiders as it is home to little red spider mites. 

All of these issues are normal and natural as plants are alive and were not told when they were bred they would have to live in artificial conditions, inside people’s homes so sometimes they need time and a little help to ensure they can adjust to and live in the conditions you are subjecting them to. 
If you would like to help your plants to thrive and not just survive come in and have a chat to us about what autumn re-freshing they may appreciate. You can bring plants that you are concerned about in if they are a manageable size or we can try to deal with issues from photos. Just double check our opening hours before popping out or feel free to contact us to make an in store appointment time. Follow us on Insta or Facebook for plenty of timely hints and tips as well. 

Visit Us

Wallis Road is just five minutes from Inverloch on the Leongatha Road (keep your eyes open for the Wallis road turning on the right) - we'd love to have you come and visit our fully stocked shop and experience the best range of indoor plants and pots in the region.
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