By Monique Wilson
July 21, 2021
We understand the only thing you really want to know about fungus gnats is “how do I get rid of them?” but here at Greener Life Inverloch we want to try and teach you a little bit of bug science so you can understand them a little bit more. WHY do you ask – because it may help you to change your plant care routines a little and actually stop them coming back. You know; stop the spread, flatten the curve , eradicate not just get rid of the ones you can see. The role fungus gnats play in nature (yes there is a role) is to assist the decomposition process on the forest floor. They feed on rotting wood, fungi, organic matter and plant roots of weakened or diseased plant SO when they decide to infiltrate your home you will find them infesting areas where water pools and there is enough moisture for fungi to grow; think leaky pipes, damp compost, mould and mildew spots, underneath pots and of course ; overwatered plants!